Tag Archive for: London

Phantom ParentsDavid Enker

Phantom Parents

I created a 200-page book with a compilation of my work up until about 2020. The proof copy I just received from ezbook.nl looks great! Now it is time to reach out. Let’s try that crowdfunding thing!       CROWDFUNDING…

Pushing Doors

  7/7 - 10 years on and the creation of a story   Haarlem, 7 July 2015 It is 10 years ago since that fatal Thursday morning of the 7th of July of 2005 in London when one of four Islamic suicide bombers blew himself up in the Piccadilly…
David Enker

Toen wij uit Engeland vertrokken

In mei 2011 kwam de Nederlandse journalist en schrijver Joris Luyendijk in Engeland wonen. Afgelopen zomer is hij teruggekeerd naar Nederland en schreef over zijn tijd in Groot-Brittannië een afscheidsbrief in Vrij Nederland. Hij blikt terug…
Kings CrossDavid Enker

Avi & Shiri

It was not long after Israel’s Second Lebanon war in 2006 that I met Avi. I was working in London at a famous ad agency on Knightsbridge, between Hyde Park and Harrods. Before Avi started working at “the banner factory” as it was called,…

Wisdom behind the gambling place

Avi was back in London. He’d been back in Israel for family matters for a year or so during which I’d paid him a visit, but now he’s back here, though I’m not sure why. He wouldn’t admit it, but I think life must have felt…
BloomsburyDavid Enker

Augmented City 3D

 Augmented City 3D from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.  

Tag Archive for: London

Little London