Tag Archive for: list

Phantom ParentsDavid Enker

Phantom Parents

I created a 200-page book with a compilation of my work up until about 2020. The proof copy I just received from ezbook.nl looks great! Now it is time to reach out. Let’s try that crowdfunding thing!       CROWDFUNDING…

A healthy mind in a healthy body (& vice versa)

If there ever is a key to a perfect health and happiness I'd love to use it, but in the meantime this is what I've come up with: 1. Sleep It's not about the quantity but rather about the quality. Fresh air in the bedroom, good pillow and…
Graphic Novels

Graphic novels

This is a top 10 of my favourite graphic novels / artists.   1. Chris Ware Country: US Key work: Acme Novelty Library (1993-present) Life as a manual Ware's unique autumnal isometric world view is perhaps "clinical" at first…