Tag Archive for: Holocaust

Phantom ParentsDavid Enker

Phantom Parents

I created a 200-page book with a compilation of my work up until about 2020. The proof copy I just received from ezbook.nl looks great! Now it is time to reach out. Let’s try that crowdfunding thing!       CROWDFUNDING…
light in darknessDavid Enker

Trauma and Healing

Recently I had my second conversation with Simon Benn of the Thriving Adoptees Podcast. You can listen to it here (7 Dec 2023). The first one (23 Aug 2023) is here. In addition to the profound pre-verbal trauma associated with adoption…
David Enker

Oma Z

It is somewhere in the mid-90s as I visit my grandmother in The Hague. I am in my mid-twenties. Normally the whole family would be there, usually on her birthday. But this is not her birthday, it is just me and her. Her reputation of a divider…

The Rothko Light

Art isn’t about what you see.