Tag Archive for: Art

Phantom ParentsDavid Enker

Phantom Parents

I created a 200-page book with a compilation of my work up until about 2020. The proof copy I just received from ezbook.nl looks great! Now it is time to reach out. Let’s try that crowdfunding thing!       CROWDFUNDING…
Underwater sculpture by the British artist Jason deCaires TaylorJason deCaires Taylor

What is going on…?

The run-up to the diagnosis   At first I thought my “problems” were because of my adoption. It wasn't.   Maybe it was the “Jewish trauma” that haunted my ancestors (and me perhaps)..? Do not think so.   Then…
Underwater sculpture by the British artist Jason deCaires TaylorJason deCaires Taylor

Wat is er aan de hand…?

De aanloop naar de diagnose   Eerst dacht ik dat mijn “problemen” door mijn adoptie kwamen. Dat was het niet.   Misschien was het het “Joodse trauma” dat mijn voorouders achtervolgde..? Denk het niet.   Toen…

The Rothko Light

Art isn’t about what you see.

David Bowie, Hero

Just as his latest and enigmatic brilliant video 'Lazarus' came out on his 69th birthday it turned out to be quite something else. Like as with many people David Bowie meant a lot to me. These are my personal highlights: A New Career…


Stromae makes me very happy. This is why:   Stromae on YouTube
Jean Giraud

Moebius Redux

Great documentary about the late Jean Giraud, better known as Moebius, perhaps the biggest genius in the world of European "comics", reaching well beyond the genre and creating visuals for films like Tron and the Fifth Element... all that accompanied…

Abstract Expressionism

The difficulty with abstract expressionism like that of Barnett Newman is that it doesn't represent something (immediately) recognizable. That doesn't necessary mean there is nothing to relate to though.   First of all, it's pointless…

Underwater sculptures

Surreal, beautiful, dreamy, amazing... Jason deCaires Taylor's underwater sculptures:                  

3D art printing

Exhibition by various artists in De Vishal (Haarlem).   More info here: Ctrl-Z.   Work from (and curated by-) Eric van Straaten             &nb…

Ron Mueck

Australian/British 'sculptor'.                


Dutch painter Piet Mondriaan, or Mondrian (in this more English/French friendly spelling an anagram of 'I paint modern') is by far one of my all time favourite artists. Here are some of his key works that are perhaps lesser known. Most of these…

Marinus Fuit

Came across this Haarlem artist in the local Haarlems Dagblad. What struck me was some similar themes as my uncle Joop Polder from The Hague, namely; cityscapes avoid of people, dunes, and especially trams.       Fuit's…

Koren Shadmi

Beautiful colours, concepts, mood, funny, "poignant"... Welcome to the world of Israeli illustrator (Brooklyn based) Koren Shadmi. You can view more of his work here.

Tag Archive for: Art
