North America by Greyhound Bus ’93 – Epilogue
Shortly after breaking off my physics study I went on a journey through North America in August and September 1993, during which I kept a diary. After a visit in Baltimore I travelled across the US with bits of Canada and Mexico by Greyhound bus. It was a life-changing experience. Names and details have been changed to fit the medium.
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Epilogue: A Christmas letter
Baltimore, Wednesday, 6 January 1994
Dear David,
What a nice surprise to come home to find your package of chocolates! Mercy & Yumm! They are delicious.
Jon is busy with school, ice hockey, playing his bass guitar and his girlfriend.
Sam moved from his apartment downtown (the place you stayed while you were here). He has moved south of the city but even he doesn’t know his new address!! (are you surprised?) Fortunately, now he carries a beeper so we can reach him, regardless of where he is living. He is hard to keep up with.
I hope all is well with you. Are you still working where you were before your trip to US? And are you back in school? Please do write – we’d love to hear from you.
Not long after my trip to North America Sam got arrested for possession of drugs and a weapon in the boot of his car.
He spent several years in prison.
Part 1: Arrival in Pikesville
Part 2: Trouble in Baltimore
Part 3: New Orleans and on to Texas
Part 4: Mexico and San Francisco
Part 5: Detroit
Part 6: Toronto and New York
Part 7: epilogue
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