
Cycling across the Polder landscape between Haarlem & Schiphol airport; came across the bizarre town of Vijfhuizen with some modern architecture. In particular the neighbourhood of Stellinghof. Took some pictures and continued cycling.

Stellinghof, Vijfhuizen

Stellinghof, Vijfhuizen


Vijfhuizen, blokken

Vijfhuizen, blokken


Vijfhuizen block house

Vijfhuizen block house


Vijfhuizen house

Vijfhuizen house


Vijfhuizen bungalow stylee

Vijfhuizen bungalow stylee


Vijfhuizen with block houses on dyke horizon

Vijfhuizen with block houses on dyke horizon


Vijfhuizen mirror to look over the dyke

Vijfhuizen mirror to look over the dyke